Pastor Nonato, wife Jenimar and girls. They both were our Bible School students at ACTS in 1996. They are doing an AWESOME job in their city! God has given them favor. He is close friends with the Mayor.
Kiesha Tenefrancia, daughter of Pastor Nonato and Jenimar. There is a special anointing on this little 7 year old. She stood there for 15 minutes worshipping just like this, tears streaming down her face. It was sweet. In their family devotions she is the one to lay hands on her parents. It was so fun talking with her. You can't imagine you are talking to a seven year old. She is very bright.
WORSHIP! It's ALL about HIM.
Kendra doing the Revelation Song. The worship was so powerful, she just fell to the ground in the middle of the song.
2 sweet ladies from the POA gave Melani money for ladies to be able to travel the boat ride to this conference. The fare was $2 each. These are those ladies!!!! They are SOOOO thankful. Thanks Mom and Nan. Money well spent.
Pastor Tom and JiJi from Handumanan. I LOVE them!
2 of our students from 1996. They are so happy!